How much time are you spending searching for great people?
I went to a talk last week about leadership in business. The piece of content that really caught my ear was around great sales managers and what they are always doing.
The success of your business is all around getting the right people. We all know this, yet how much time are you spending working on finding them?
A couple of the key take aways for me were:
1. View recruitment as a process not a transaction. As a sales manager, you need to be constantly searching for great people. Find them, wine them and dine them. Stick with them. Let them know you want them on your team. Finding great people takes time. Build your network and allocate time for ongoing recruitment.
2. The poor performers (in sales) are always scanning the job ads. The good performers are not actively looking. You need to get active to get to them.
3. Build a culture that will attract great people to your team. If you think you have a great culture now, ask yourself why more people aren't ringing you up to join your team?
4. Keep coaching them once they come on board. The best way to keep your best people is to invest in them. Watch what happens to them as you invest your efforts in to them. The returns can be amazing.
Have a look here for some of my favourite questions an MD should be asking their sales managers.
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